Ministries are an integral part of discipleship and evangelism here at Zion. From praying to singing, playing sports, and gathering for Bible study, there’s a place of service and belonging for everyone.
Prayer Ministry

Prayer Ministry
If you are in need of prayer, Zion has a team of praying saints who will intercede on your behalf.
PRAYER NIGHT is on the FIRST AND THIRD THURSDAY of each month at 5:30pm
You are encouraged to come out and pray with/ for others from Zion and for the community.
Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry
At Zion, we strive to see youth of every age discover who they are in Jesus Christ and become the world- changers they were created to be.
Young Adults/ Singles

Young Adults/ Singles
In our ministry we engage in:
community outreach, group fun, fellowship, and spiritual growth
innovative church activities
If you consider yourself a young adult/single person, please join us as we walk out our faith journeys together in Jesus name!
Missions Ministry

Missions Ministry
The purpose of the Mission Ministry is to reach those who are outside the walls of our Church with the message and the love of Jesus Christ. We do this by ministering to all we meet,
Womens Ministry

Womens Ministry
To encounter Jesus love in an intimate way, to be strengthen in faith through nurture in God's word, to become Disciples of Christ and to fellowship with one another in love
Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry
Bringing Together Men Of All Ages To Grow In Relationship With Jesus Christ; Encouraging Each Other To Be Servant Leaders In Our Families, Church and Communities.
Music Ministry
Why We're Great >

Music Ministry
Why We're Great >
Deacon's Ministry

Deacon's Ministry
Senior's Ministry

Senior's Ministry
Usher Ministry

Usher Ministry
The Usher Ministry serves as the church doorkeepers to ensure that worshipers feel welcome.